On Wednesday 29th June, our Sixth Form LGBTQ+ Ambassadors (who wear the rainbow lanyards) will be holding a Pride Stall with all profits going to  and 

Students and staff will be able to support the event by buying cakes and bakes, flags, pins and badges, having their face painted or naming the very cute teddy bear! As usual, any homemade or shop-bought cake donations will be very welcome - please deliver them to Miss Haney's office (opposite the main hall, next to Mr Tyrrell's office) or Mrs Eckersley (A1-21) on the day.

You can find contact details for Switchboard and other organisations who can help and advise on LGBTQ+ issues on our Student Welfare "Someone who can help" page of this website via the Student or Parent/ Carer Areas or click here to be redirected. 

Students can also speak with any of our Sixth Form LGBTQ+ Ambassadors (identifiable by their rainbow lanyards) if they have any questions to do with being LGBTQ+ or about the LGBTQ+ community. They are always more than happy to help.